Direct Chat with saved content

I’m wondering if there could be a more direct method of having the AI chat with a particular entry (at the moment, saved web pages or notes).

The most obvious method would be to include a ‘Chat with AI’ option in the article ‘Summarize’ panel and also *in the folder where they have been grouped.

Request: could the side panel for the 'Summarize reply be larger/wider? It’s just a narrow column now and this would not provide much room to chat should this feature be enabled at the individual saved content level.

It is somewhat inconvenient and time consuming to ask the AI to summarize a particular entry each time (and I do this a lot) because even if the name of the article or note is pasted into the AI conversation the AI will still ask you for the URL (then you have to go get the URL and paste it in). It is quite tricky most times (trial and error) get the AI to recognize which item you want to chat about.

The same ability should also apply to *chatting with all items in a folder or with a particular tag - it’s not convenient to set up a chat with selected tagged items as well.

This would go a long way to making infoflow more user-friendly and efficient.

Thanks for all you do!

Ted in Singapore.

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That’s really a good idea! We’ll add it to the desktop app in a few days! Thank you!

Hi Ian

In today’s update 1.0.43 I can see that a ‘Chat with Content’ option has been added (thank you!)

Issue 1: However, when activated and prompted - the AI has no connection with the associated article, but it will function with general prompts.

Issue 2: AI output non-English

For certain saved articles (not all) - the ‘Summary’ button yields an output in Spanish (note: this was happening before the latest update). Then, when the ‘Chat with Content’ option is tried, it will not recognise the prompt.

Update: this seems to be an issue when using Google API - when the AI is reset to infoflow default the summary is normal for the same article.

Issue 3: The AI does not recognise content in folders

Note: the bug testing here was done using the Google API key.


Hi Ted,
we’ve fixed this problem. Could you update to the latest version of Desktop 1.0.45 to see whether it works?

Thanks for reporting this issue!

Hi Ian - yes indeed, it works fine!

Thanks so much for letting me know :slight_smile:

Ted in Singapore

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np! thanks for helping us to improve InfoFlow!