Export of AI Summary and Notes/Highlights

I would like to check if you are planning to add export capability for AI Summaries and Notes/Highlights (hopefully to PDF format).

Thank you
Ted in Singapore

Hi Ted, Thank you for your inquiry! I’m pleased to inform you that we are planning to add export capabilities for AI Summaries and Notes/Highlights, including the option to export to PDF format. We appreciate your interest in this feature and are excited to enhance your experience. If you have any further questions or suggestions, please feel free to reach out!

Hi Ian,
I would like to ask if you are planning to create an obsidian plugin (like the one provided officially by Instapaper), to import and keep updated the highlights in the Obsdian environment.

Thank you,

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Hi @lorenzop
Thank you for submitting this feature request (Feature Request )! We appreciate your interest in expanding InfoFlow’s capabilities.

We are currently prioritizing the development of API documentation for the InfoFlow desktop applications. As InfoFlow does not utilize a centralized server, users will need to connect directly to the desktop application to synchronize saved content with applications like Obsidian.

We anticipate releasing the API documentation later this month or next. Following its release, developers will be able to build plugins for Obsidian, LogSeq, and other platforms that integrate with InfoFlow Desktop.

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